Monday, 12 December 2016

Critical Investigation Task #6

Dyas. P. Media Magazine 42. 
“Kanye West; admittedly a polarising figure notorious for his own self-aggrandisement, arrogance and lack of self-awareness, but often vulnerable, emotional and conflicted in his lyrics” 
-the success of Kanye West reveals not only lyrics that represent his life as something of a struggle but expresses the effects he faces through his own self-aggrandisement
“Childish Gambino rejects the violence and gang associations of hip-hop culture, demonstrating a social progressiveness and willingness to challenge conventional models of masculinity”

Aidoo. D. Media Magazine 45. 
“Hip-hop, grime, urban, rap, spoken word – the success of artists within this multifaceted genre depends on how easy it is for everybody to understand their lyrics and relate to their content.”
“The elder generation have an inclination of blaming rap for much of the violence that goes on within the younger world. I see this as a misinterpretation. It begs the ongoing question of whether the media create and reinforce violent stereotypes, or whether media producers simply construct a reflection of society’s ills” 

Bateman, A. (2016). Using Theory in A Level Media Studies. Retrieved December 06, 2016, from
"George Gerbner’s cultivation theory (1979) which investigated the content of television programmes. Gerbner argues that the drip feeding of similar negative media messages influences the viewer’s perception of reality and makes them susceptible to adopting a negative view on the world, Gerbner calls this Mean World Syndrome."
-the stereotype of black males are predominantly negative and the Cultivation Theory suggests an explanation for this and how the media is a potential blame for this
"(Galting & Ruge, 1965), arguing that high value is placed upon negative news by those responsible for reporting the world’s events, then a theoretical basis for arguing that negative news is prevalent and that it has an effect upon the audience is established"
-supports the idea that audiences want to see negative news as that is what they know, therefore it becomes more dominant and prevalent within the media

Hirsch, A. (2012). African hip-hop is recreating America. Retrieved December 06, 2016, from
"Ironically the gap between rich – including the music mogul rich – and poor is itself fuelling the growth of hip-hop in Africa."
-conscious rappers who focus on social and political themes; growing industry through materialistic lifestyle juxtaposed and contrasted with the ghetto life

Ellis-Petersen, H. (2016). Kanye West's travails help hip-hop open up on mental health. Retrieved December 06, 2016, from
"The macho and often adversarial culture of hip-hop, coupled with the fact that African American men are significantly less likely to seek help for mental health issues, has meant, in the public arena at least, it was rarely discussed"-Kanye West's 'Lockdown' video reveals his vulnerability and how he was trying to speak out about his own issues in order to change the 'macho' stereotype
"evident in rapper J Cole talking publicly about his struggle with depression, and fronting the #OKNotToBeOK campaign"
"the most significant figure breaking down this stigma around depression and revealing weakness is Kendrick Lamar. Arguably the world’s biggest hip-hop artist, they said Lamar’s public discussion of the inner demons and survivors’ guilt that fuelled his Grammy-winning album, To Pimp a Butterfly, have proved that depression is no longer perceived as a fallacy in the rap community"
-The Guardian is a well recognised  and acclaimed news institution so critical acclaim for Lamar reveals the importance of him in the genre

Bixby, S. (2016). Kendrick Lamar galvanizes Grammys with politically charged performance. Retrieved December 06, 2016, from

"The performance, which like Lamar’s music was studded with strong allusions to racial inequality, the prison-industrial complex and black identity, brought the audience to its feet."
-importance of the performance and how he becomes a voice and an important performer, enhancing the issue of black identity. Links to his BET awards performance where he performed atop a police car and this caused a great deal of controversy - Fox news

Mcleod, K. (2005). MP3s Are Killing Home Taping: The Rise of Internet Distribution and Its Challenge to the Major Label Music Monopoly1. Popular Music and Society.
"had to rely heavily on record labels, which agreed to sell an artist's music, under certain conditions which usually gave the record label more money from each sale than the artists"
"Some hip-hop artists end up only breaking even with record companies after they produce an album, because of all of the expenses that they pay to effectively market and produce their albums and the small percentage of royalties received"

-the power of the music industries and the institutions in comparison to the artists.

Welsh, A. C. (2016). Kendrick Lamar has challenged Barack Obama to a basketball showdown in Compton. Retrieved December 11, 2016, from
"Kendrick goes on to joke that Barack will also be “playing a little basketball. He needs to work on his jump shot a little bit… I’ve been trying to bring him out, that’s why I’m throwing shots at him right now. I want him to come to Gonzales Park in Compton.”
-reveals the influence of Lamar on Obama and how a respectable and highly acclaimed individual such as Obama can truly respect the works of Lamar, revealing the sheer genius from Lamar. 

Geslani, M. (2015). FOX News says Kendrick Lamar “has done more damage to young African-Americans than racism”. Retrieved December 11, 2016, from 

"female commentator who says Kendrick’s performance “didn’t excite her” or “turn her on”. Because I’m so sure that’s exactly what the Compton MC was aiming for — not to stimulate fans’ minds or draw attention to our society’s many racial and social issues, but to turn people on"
-counteracts argument 

We Will TV. (2015). Geraldo Rivera rips Kendrick Lamar's BET Award set. Retrieved from YouTube.
"This is why i say hip-hop has done more damage to young African-Americans than racism"
"This is exactly the wrong message"
-the sarcasm throughout reveals the pure ignorance of these journalists for them to not understand the message of Lamar - the problem with FOX news is that they hold conservative ideologies and therefore as soon as a fruitful artist like Lamar speaks out, moral panics are formed and therefore they become threatened by the fact that audiences will listen.

TMZ. (2015). Kendrick Lamar -- Geraldo's Twisting My Message ... I'm Preaching Hope, Not Violence | TMZ. Retrieved from YouTube. 
"How can you take a song about hope and turn it into hatred"
"The overall message is we gon' be alright not I want to kill people"
"It's avoiding the truth"
"Hip hop is not the problem, our reality is the problem of the situation"
-Lamar speaks passionately counteracting Geraldo's thoughts of his performance and addresses the fact that hip-hop is merely an expression of speech to provide a positive influence.

Radowitz, J. V., Webb, S. (2015). Hip Hop is the most important genre of music to emerge in last 50 years, claim pop scientists. Retrieved December 11, 2016, from
"Hip hop has been named the most influential musical genre to emerge since 1960, beating the British invasion of the Rolling Stones and The Beatles"
"The impact of Hip Hop, the rhythmic rapping style that originated in Jamaica and became the voice of disaffected black youth in New York and Los Angeles, was much more profound, they claimed."
-impact of hip-hop music and how it has a bigger role to play in society than the mainstream bands and acclaimed artists such as The Beatles. 
-The Mirror = tabloid newspaper, Labour 

Shah. V. (2015). The Role of Hip-Hop in Culture. Thought Economics. Retrieved December, 11, 2016, from
"deeply pitted with metaphors that became consistent, ubiquitous and global. Hip-hop is unplanned- but a reflection of shared truths in communities"
Tricia Rose - "The profitable stories tend to dovetail around the central-stereotypes about Black People that have existed for hundreds of years. That doesn’t mean there isn’t some truth, but to rely on the illusion that these are the truths is to rely on a lie being reinforced as THE truth."
-stereotypes and representations of black people and how it has become the fake truth of what audiences are seeing through the media's eye
Russell Simmons - "Hip-hop is (amongst many things) a cultural manifestation of the challenges- the creation of a new identity, a new social structure- a new institution. Like any emergent art-form it jars at our senses and sensibilities, providing us a safe theatre in which to observe ourselves, and contemplate that which we face."
-the power of the genre as a positive and cultural art form rather than mere sound

Simmonds, R. (2013). Why You Should Let Your Children Listen To Hip Hop. Retrieved December 11, 2016, from

"If you can get past some of the language and ignore the songs that are about booty poppin and lip gloss; there really is some quality to be found in the lyrics and skills of these artists."

-it is undeniable that some rap artists glorify and glamorise the life of a luxury millionaire but the artists that are fruitful reveal the power of the genre as a cultural respectable art form. 

Pearce, S. (2016). J Cole: 4 Your Eyez Only review – unsparing, unflinching raptivism. Retrieved December 11, 2016, from
"With his new album, 4 Your Eyez Only, Cole channels Be Free, finding a new niche and renewed purpose as a mouthpiece for black frustrations, throwing himself headfirst into rap activism"
-speaking on police brutality and the issues revolving around him 
"Outside of Deja Vu, which is basically a rehash of a Bryson Tiller song, Exchange, with the same sample (KP and Envyi’s Swing My Way), this is a collection of songs with a clear and unified vision, scrutinizing mass incarceration, police brutality, toxic masculinity (which he brands as “tough guy culture”) and other tensions plaguing black communities. He does it best on Change, a song that transports the listener into the shootout that took the life of James McMillan Jr, Cole’s friend, and on Immortal, which memorializes those lost to gun violence."
-overview of Cole's songs and what he is doing in each to portray his visions of what he believes is important and significant. 

J Cole. (2016). Neighbors. Dreamville, Roc Nation, Interscope Records. Track 7 in Studio Album, 4 Your Eyez Only.
"Fuck the fame and the fortune—well, maybe not the fortune, But one thing is for sure though, the fame is exhaustin'"
-material aspects and the importance of the music more than the actual fame that comes with it - he wants to make an impact and doesn't want the fame of it all consuming him. 

Y. (2016). Ab-Soul ‘Do What Thou Wilt.’ 1 Listen Album Review. Retrieved December 11, 2016, from
"Ab-Soul's new album has more layers than a wedding cake, but his raps are sharper than ever"
"a bright wordsmith that cared about lyricism. If he wasn’t a genius, he had the kind of talent that made him appear as one."
-positive review of the album as something important and artistic, a talented raw form that focuses on the US elections in Huey Knew.

Monteyne, K. (2013). Hip hop on film: Performance culture, urban space, and genre transformation in the 1980s. Jackson: University Press of Mississippi.
"The entire corpus of the hip hop musical thus represents an army of ideological positions, and within particular texts themselves we find multiple social and political attitudes."
-influence of hip-hop music as a genre that involves social and political commentary rather than fruitless themes

King, D. (2006). Black Filmmaker.
"Hip-hop is a form of expression - how we make and portray ourselves to the world."
-reinforces the expression of hip-hop as more than just music but a valuable art form. 

Spence, J. (2004). Black Filmmaker."It seems hip hop artists have been accepted into the Hollywood fold and look set to stay."
-the times have changed and artists have become more valued and respected within the mainstream

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