Friday, 10 February 2017

Critical Investigation: learner response


  • Excellent research + referencing. Superb bibliography. 
  • Very good textual analysis + application of theory 
  • Very articulate, academic writing 
  • Great spelling, punctuation and grammar alongside writing style 
  • Good use of key theories + ideologies
  • Fluent + analytical explanation of topic 
  • Great justification with historical text 
  • Reference the theorists in the footnotes 
  • Include black identities theories like Alvarado
  • Include more audience theory - uses + gratifications 
  • Include post-colonialism theory and news values 
Next draft aim = A* 

Action Plan: 
  1. I am going to reference all my theorists in the footnotes 
  2. I will try to include more black identity theory, especially Alvarado 
  3. I will try to include more audience theory where possible 
  4. I will add news values in my final paragraph when speaking about FOX news 
  5. I will try to tidy up my expression to create a furthermore fluent essay 
  6. I will change the footnotes so that the page number of the books are within the footnotes rather than the titles 
  7. I will also remove any songs from my footnotes that do not need to be referenced as a footnote

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