Monday, 30 January 2017

MEST4 Preliminary exercise: evaluation

Why did you choose this particular recreation and how does it link to your main production?

The reason we chose the Pulp Fiction opening scene was because it linked to all 3 of our critical investigations. The ideas that Quentin Tarantino explore within the video reveal stereotypes and challenge them. This scene links to my coursework due to the creative aspect of Tarantino and how similarly alternative hip-hop videos are creative and original through challenging the conventions. 

What difficulties did you face in producing this recreation?

The main difficulty we had with this recreation was the problem of casting actors for the actual video. The commitment of our actors posed a huge problem and we, ourselves, had to step in and act in our own video. This therefore taught us to ensure the people that we cast are completely committed to avoid any issues. 

What are the strengths of the production?

The camerawork and editing were both very strong. Overall, it matched the original video very well, despite the issues of the wrong actors and mise-en-scene.

What aspects would you look to improve?

Overall, organisation needs improving so that everything is 100% in order to make life a lot easier, avoiding unnecessary issues. 

What lessons will you take from this process that will help you with your main production?

Many; have to ensure that the actors that we use are committed and will not let us down. To ensure that everything is prepared to avoid any problems too. 

Now that you are ready to start your actual linked production, explain clearly what you will be creating and how confident you are in delivering this.

We will be creating a short film focusing on cultural appropriation and embodying Frantz Fanon's idea of 'putting on the white mask.' However, we will be subverting this by 'putting on a black face' and essentially black-facing the character to therefore reinforce stereotypes. The whole story revolves around the idea that you must fit into your society in order to thrive in it. 

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